In Broward and Surrounding Counties you might find yourself wondering what vaccines your new kitten or cat needs. Even if your new fur baby has already gotten their first round of core vaccines, they may need boosters. Your vet may also recommend additional vaccines that weren’t covered initially, based on your new friend's lifestyle.
Core vaccines are the ones that your pet needs to have. With cat’s, the only core vaccine is the FVRCP vaccine. That’s a mouthful.
The FVRCP vaccine combines the vaccine for Feline Parvovirus (FPV), Feline, Herpesvirus (FHV-1), and Feline Calicivirus (FCV) into one shot. FPV kills off your kittens white blood cells, leaving them susceptible to infections. FHV-1 can cause severe congestion and even pneumonia. The virus can lay dormant, attaching to your cat's nerves and reappear again. FCV can lead to hepatitis and death in your cat.
All three of the viruses that are vaccinated with the FVRCP injection are specific to your cat. They aren’t transmittable to humans. In fact the few diseases and infections that can be transmitted from your cat generally come from improper care with their litter box.
Rabies is transmitted by direct contact, usually by the bite of an infected host, but it can also spread open wounds and mucous membranes. Unvaccinated cats account for most domesticated animal cases of rabies.
Rabies is not considered a core vaccine by the ASPCA, it is highly recommended for cats, and is often required by law.
Feline leukemia is a viral infection that spreads through bodily fluids. Indoor cats aren’t as susceptible, but any cat that has been exposed to a host animal can become ill. Feline leukemia cannot be cured, so prevention is a priority.
Feline Leukemia is the leading viral killer for cats.
Bordetellosis is a bacterial disease and tends to spread in kittens and cats that have had pre-existing respiratory conditions. The disease can develop into Pneumonia, but can usually be treated successfully with antibiotics.
The Bordetellosis vaccine won’t prevent your kitten or cat from contracting the disease, but it will lessen the symptoms and may be an option if your cat or kitten is in constant contact with other cats.
Kittens will receive the FVRCP vaccine combo at three to four week intervals for the first 16 - 20 weeks of their life. Adults with an unknown vaccine history should receive two doses given 3 - 4 weeks apart. Annual boosters are recommended for indoor/outdoor cats and indoor only cats may be able to have boosters every three years.
Single year rabies shots need to have an annual booster, while three year shots require one booster after the first year and every three years thereafter.
The Feline Leukemia and Bordetellosis vaccines are recommended for kittens and Feline Leukemia requires a booster 12 months later. Future vaccine recommendations are based on your cat's lifestyle.
As with any medication, whether it’s for humans or animals, there can always be a risk. Generally that risk is far less than the risk of the disease itself.
Cats are no exception. About 1/2 of 1% of cat’s have a negative reaction to vaccines. The most common complaint is the development of Sarcoma at the injection site. While the cancerous growth should be biopsied if it becomes larger than 3/4 of an inch, if it persists longer than three months, or continues to grow one month after the vaccination.
You should monitor the injection site for sarcomas because as long as they are addressed early they can be removed.
There are vaccines that your cat or kitten needs and there are some that may be recommended due to their lifestyle. Cats that go outdoors usually need additional coverage.
Give us a call at +130551563069 so we can keep your cat’s purring for years to come.