Tips for New Kitten Owners in Broward & Surrounding Counties

If you have recently acquired or adopted a kitten, it is critical that you understand how to care for it so that it grows into a healthy and happy cat! During the first few weeks of life, a kitten's major priorities are eating and learning how to relieve himself on his own. If for a variety of reasons, the kitten had to be taken from the mother at an unusually young age, which is not advised, more care would be necessary.


Vaccinations should be administered at the ages of 6, 9, 12, and 15 weeks. They are critical in preventing a number of fatal diseases in cats, including cat distemper, three different respiratory life forms, and rabies. The core antibodies are the essential vaccinations that your cat would undoubtedly require, regardless of whether they reside inside or outside your home.


During the first four weeks of life, all a kitten needs is mother's milk. However, if your kitten is away from its mother, it is critical that you speak with a veterinarian who can advise you on how to bottle-feed with a commercial drain supplement. Kittens can be fed milk replacer from a dish every 1-2 hours and tiny portions of moistened kitten food four to six times a day when they are three to four weeks old.


If your cat is a newborn, you should take it to the vet as soon as possible so that its overall health may be evaluated. It is advised that newborn kittens have their first veterinarian appointment as soon as possible, ideally within the first week or two following birth and that you phone your vet to discuss any concerns you may have.


All cats should get a veterinarian examination as soon as you get them. So, what should you expect during your kitten's veterinarian checkup? Most initial veterinarian appointments will include a complete checkup, a discussion on cat care at home, and vaccines based on your kitten's age. Following that, cats should get a checkup and booster vaccination every four weeks until they reach the age of 16 weeks. If you deal with a breeder, they will ordinarily give wellness guarantees of 48 to 72 hours. However, without that guarantee, and regardless of where you buy the cat, it is far preferable to get them evaluated and conduct a medical checkup, as well as a stool test for worms. A checkup is a wonderful opportunity for the veterinarian to look for anything out of the ordinary, so expect a thorough physical exam. Ear mites, fleas, and intestinal worms are all quite prevalent in kittens.

With proper veterinarian care, your cat should grow into a happy, healthy cat that will stay with you for a long time. If you have any more questions, please contact Meows & Purrs Feline Hospital directly at (305) 505-6369.